Thank you so much for considering making a gift to Starving Artists! As one of Brandeis’s premier A Cappella groups, we aim to participate in shows both within and outside of Brandeis, as well as put out at least one professional recording of an arrangement of ours per academic year. As an independently financed group, any contribution is greatly appreciated as we strive to expand our professional endeavors.
How to Donate:
1. Physical Check
If you would like to donate via physical check, checks can be made out to Brandeis University with “Starving Artists” on the memo line.
Note: checks made payable to Starving Artists cannot be used, so please make sure the check is payable to Brandeis University!
Checks can either be:
Physically given to a current member of the group (still made payable to Brandeis)
Mailed to a current member of the group
2. Online Donation
To make a donation online via debit or credit card, first go to this link:
Once on this page, select the linked “Secure Online-Giving Form”
There will be 4 steps on the form, and the form should look like this:
Once you type in the amount you wish to donate, click on the “choose your designation(s)” box, then scroll to the bottom of the dropdown and select “other” under “Other Designations”. You should then specify the designation in the text box, and type out “Brandeis Starving Artists - Unrestricted Gift Fund”
Once this step is complete, the form can be filled out as normal, and will guide you through the final steps of the process
All of these directions can also be found in the PDF linked to the right
Thank you SO so much for your support - Starving Artists is deeply grateful!